Thursday, November 6, 2008

VOTED THINGYY!((**NOV.6.2008**))

When I just took that vote type thing it was asking was this your first time voting I said no beucase i voted before in school for MS.tHOMPSONS class. It asked me what did i do to help Obama win. I said i did things in school and were his pins and stickers to help support him and i did many essays on Obama and McCain. It asked me a question saying did i vote at a poll or something i said i did not vote at a poll i voted at school in a few of my classes.

When I found out Obama was the new president of the United States Of America I was very happy becuase i did not want McCain becuase he was just like George Bush. Obama is way different he wants to change the prices of the taxes for the middle class and make them lower and change the taxes on the high class. I am a middle class citizen and i like the fact that Obama wants to change that. Obama wants to change many things because he wants Iraq to come home. That is what i think when Obama won the presidenty.

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