Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
paragraph for ms. mellville!
ØI am doing Anti-Immigrants and, this happened on Tuesday May 20th, 2008.
ØThe first picture in my slide has to do with violence because people are coming to South Africa and destroying there land and the people who live there are trying to protect there self but instead a man walks by peoples shacks that are destroyed.
The second picture that is in my slide is related to violence because of the background of the picture. There is a boy carrying a couch on back because of the people are coming to South Africa destroying there home. That has to do with violence because people are hurting other people and making a mess.
My last picture is related to violence because the people who came to South Africa blew up some ones shack house and is in flames and a boy is running from the flames this has to do wit violence because there are people destroying peoples shacks and houses.
Monday, November 10, 2008
final draft!
Try WRITING TRICKS for help with style and other tipsW1. Introduction Paragraph
Marilyn Monroe is a very famous person. She was most known for singing, acting, and modeling. This article talks about her younger life, and famous life. She was most known for being the number one sex star of the 20th century of playboy magazine.
A. Thesis statementB. Overview of your entire paperC. Brief history/biography including influences on this person.2. MAJOR IMPACT on History
Marilyn Monroe
A. What was the historical problem?
Marilyn Monroe’s historical importance’s fell into many different places. She was the woman that broke the strict view of American Puritanism. She had many strong different views on civil rights. In 1954 her movie came out and it was the year the Supreme Court decided in the brown v. board of education and brouth the end to racially segregated education. In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the back of the bus, and that was the year Marilyn Monroe told 20th Century Fox that she was no longer playing the role of stereotyped "dumb blond". In on of her interviews she said “I am involved in a freedom ride protesting”.
Website I got my answer from:
They said that the answer is not specific enough. She contributed privately to charities to orphan home and companies. She cared about children especially the ones who did not have any parents. Monroe was one of the women who helped shaping the world.
The thing to cause Marilyn Monroe to act was the fact she loved kids. She wanted to help them and make them feel like they had parents. She likes to make the world a better place and shape the world. This was not found on any website but this follows to the question “How did this person contribute to the creation or solution of this problem?
Monroe was a model who was seen on Boards out in the city, magazines, and on TV. People saw her everywhere and read many different things about and wanted to be like her. People wanted to try and change the world helping kids who did not have parents. This did not come from a website it did not have any answers on any website so I kind of figured it out on my own.
Hugh Hefner –threw out the 1950’s and 60’s –he published playboy magazine for Marilyn Monroe.
Joe DiMaggio- was married to Marilyn Monroe.
Arthur Miller- was also married to Marilyn Monroe.
J.F.K- threw out the 1950’s and 60’s.
The talents that Marilyn Monroe had were singing, modeling, acting, and many other things. She was the original POP DIVA. She was the most best at modeling in magazines, pictures, and TV.
At this time period it was something bold new and exciting. They were able to escape into a fantasy world.
Monroe created caution ary tale about early quick fame. She created the templplate for modern day POP star divas such as Madonna and Anna Colsmith. 3. Explain how this person connects to NHD Theme "The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies".
Monroe started a wave of perky blonde actresses that are promnit in today’s American society. This is apart of NHD because she changed the world and the way American’s view beauty.
A. Why should we care about this person today? Are they famous? If not, why should they be?
We the people should care about this person today because she is a timeless icon of American entertainment. Monroe is quite famous all over the world. B. What is their legacy today? In what ways can we see and feel it?
Many actresses try to look like her and be like her by helping out charities.
Monroe changed the face of American entertainment by being a sex symbol.
Friday, November 7, 2008
3rd paragraph!
2nd paragraph!
1st paragraph !
intro paragraphh
Thursday, November 6, 2008
VOTED THINGYY!((**NOV.6.2008**))
When I found out Obama was the new president of the United States Of America I was very happy becuase i did not want McCain becuase he was just like George Bush. Obama is way different he wants to change the prices of the taxes for the middle class and make them lower and change the taxes on the high class. I am a middle class citizen and i like the fact that Obama wants to change that. Obama wants to change many things because he wants Iraq to come home. That is what i think when Obama won the presidenty.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
ROUGH DRAFT!((**MS.Thompson LOOK**))
Website’s I got my information from:
Try WRITING TRICKS for help with style and other tipsW1. Introduction Paragraph
Marilyn Monroe is a very famous person. She was most known for singing, acting, and modeling. This article talks about her younger life, and famous life. She was most known for being the number one sex star of the 20th century of playboy magazine.
A. Thesis statementB. Overview of your entire paperC. Brief history/biography including influences on this person.2. MAJOR IMPACT on History
Marilyn Monroe
A. What was the historical problem?
Marilyn Monroe’s historical importance’s fell into many different places. She was the woman that broke the strict view of American Puritanism. She had many strong different views on civil rights. In 1954 her movie came out and it was the year the Supreme Court decided in the brown v. board of education and brouth the end to racially segregated education. In 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the back of the bus, and that was the year Marilyn Monroe told 20th Century Fox that she was no longer playing the role of stereotyped "dumb blond". In on of her interviews she said “I am involved in a freedom ride protesting”.
B. How did this person contribute to the creation or solution of this problem?
Website I got my answer from:
They said that the answer is not specific enough. She contributed privately to charities to orphan home and companies. She cared about children especially the ones who did not have any parents. Monroe was one of the women who helped shaping the world.
C. What caused this person to act?
The thing to cause Marilyn Monroe to act was the fact she loved kids. She wanted to help them and make them feel like they had parents. She likes to make the world a better place and shape the world. This was not found on any website but this follows to the question “How did this person contribute to the creation or solution of this problem?
D. How did he/she achieve key change? How did he/she motivate others?
Monroe was a model who was seen on Boards out in the city, magazines, and on TV. People saw her everywhere and read many different things about and wanted to be like her. People wanted to try and change the world helping kids who did not have parents. This did not come from a website it did not have any answers on any website so I kind of figured it out on my own.
E. Who else was involved, what happened, where, why, important dates?
Hugh Hefner –threw out the 1950’s and 60’s –he published playboy magazine for Marilyn Monroe.
Joe DiMaggio- was married to Marilyn Monroe.
Arthur Miller- was also married to Marilyn Monroe.
J.F.K- threw out the 1950’s and 60’s.
F. What talents did he/she use?
The talents that Marilyn Monroe had were singing, modeling, acting, and many other things. She was the original POP DIVA. She was the most best at modeling in magazines, pictures, and TV.
G. What effect did it have on their time?
At this time period it was something bold new and exciting. They were able to escape into a fantasy world.
H. What long term change happened because of their actions?
Monroe created caution ary tale about early quick fame. She created the templplate for modern day POP star divas such as Madonna and Anna Colsmith. 3. Explain how this person connects to NHD Theme "The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies".
Monroe started a wave of perky blonde actresses that are promnit in today’s American society. This is apart of NHD because she changed the world and the way American’s view beauty.
A. Why should we care about this person today? Are they famous? If not, why should they be?
We the people should care about this person today because she is a timeless icon of American entertainment. Monroe is quite famous all over the world. B. What is their legacy today? In what ways can we see and feel it?
Many actresses try to look like her and be like her by helping out charities.
C. What larger event or movement did this person contribute to that changed history?
Monroe changed the face of American entertainment by being a sex symbol.
added in paragraphsA. 5-10 SOURCESB. MLA Format
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
4TH Annotation
Marilyn Monroe was American motion-picture actor who became the most famous international sex symbol of the 20th century. In 1994 a United States Army photographer who induced her to pose for posters for the troops. In 1951, Marilyn got a fairly sizable role in Love Nes. she got many different roles in many different movies. Her first signed her first studio contract with Twentieth Century Fox on August 26, 1946. She did many different things and she became really famous and she did all kinds of movies.
So basically this paragrah was talking about he life in modeling movies and music. nad explaining her younger life and explains how she became REALLY famous.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Most Dangerous Game!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
She was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California, to Gladys Baker. As the identity of her father is undetermined, she was later baptized Norma Jeane Baker. Gladys had been a film cutter at RKO studios, but psychological problems prevented her from keeping the job and she was eventually committed to a mental institution.
Norma Jeane spent most of her childhood in foster homes and orphanages until 1937, when she moved in with family friend Grace McKee Goddard. Unfortunately, when Grace's husband was transferred to the East Coast in 1942, the couple couldn't afford to take 16-year-old Norma Jeane with them. Norma Jeane had two options: return to the orphanage or get married.
On June 19, 1942 she wed her 21-year-old neighbor Jimmy Dougherty, whom she had been dating for six months. "She was a sweet, generous and religious girl," Jimmy said. "She liked to be cuddled." By all accounts Norma Jeane loved Jimmy, and they were happy together until he joined the Merchant Marines and was sent to the South Pacific in 1944.
This article helped me by by telling me what ages and when she started working on her life.She was a model ,moviestar,and a singer. Marilyn Monroe has many life time storys that i am going to find!
I think it is a Primary souruce because of they way they are describing the article.
This article helps me by telling me the movies she was in and what songs she wrote there are more than 1 page to were i found this article!
By Barbara Carlson!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Article On Marilyn Monroe!
She was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California, to Gladys Baker. As the identity of her father is undetermined, she was later baptized Norma Jeane Baker. Gladys had been a film cutter at RKO studios, but psychological problems prevented her from keeping the job and she was eventually committed to a mental institution.
Norma Jeane spent most of her childhood in foster homes and orphanages until 1937, when she moved in with family friend Grace McKee Goddard. Unfortunately, when Grace's husband was transferred to the East Coast in 1942, the couple couldn't afford to take 16-year-old Norma Jeane with them. Norma Jeane had two options: return to the orphanage or get married.
On June 19, 1942 she wed her 21-year-old neighbor Jimmy Dougherty, whom she had been dating for six months. "She was a sweet, generous and religious girl," Jimmy said. "She liked to be cuddled." By all accounts Norma Jeane loved Jimmy, and they were happy together until he joined the Merchant Marines and was sent to the South Pacific in 1944.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Who I Want To Do For NHD!
Friday, September 12, 2008
What Is Service Learning?((**blog 2**))
service-learning has spread rapidly throughout communities, K-12 institutions, and colleges. Service Learning is a method of teaching through which students apply their academic skills and knowledge to address real-life needs in their own communities.
Service Learning provides a compelling reason to learn, teaches the skills of civic participation and develops an ethic of service and civic responsibility. Service learning increases motivation and retention of academic skills as specific learning goals are tied to community needs. By solving real problems and addressing real needs, students learn to apply classroom learning to a real world context. At the same time, students provide valuable services to schools and communities
Service learning can have a lot of different types of learning.
Here Are Some Different Kinds Of Service Learning:
- Learning
- Service
- Critical Components that Support Learning and Service